Hellhounds | Demonic Dogs From Appalachia
Hellhounds are working demonic dogs. They serve a master or fate, and they will not stop until they’ve collected a mortal’s soul. Learn how hellhounds manifest, behave, hunt and how to protect yourself after the jump.
Giant Fire Ants | Radioactive Mutations Run Amok
Giant fire ants try to avoid humanity, but when humans act irresponsibly, these monsters come out of their burrows to wreck cities and military bases. Get the monstrous scoop after the jump.
Drop Bears | Australia’s Blood-Feasting Cryptid
They may look like cute, rolly polly koalas, but drop bears have a taste for blood and flesh. Get the scoop on Australia’s most dangerous cryptid after the jump.
Champ | Lake Champlain’s Resident Monster
Straddling New York, Vermont and Quebec, Lake Champlain holds a monster inside its murky depths. Champ, an aquatic beast, lies hiding underneath the waves. Indigenous people have known about this monster for centuries before European settlers reported it. Get more scoop on Champ after the jump.